Best Buy Iris bearded Edith Wolford - 1 plant
If you are trying decide to buy Iris bearded Edith Wolford - 1 plant worthy and huge saving. Dont spend your more time ! We really provide the best and lowest price on Iris bearded Edith Wolford for you through our researched from numerous online retailers price. Check today special offer and get huge discount on Iris bearded Edith Wolford to avoid your disappointment.
This Iris bearded Edith Wolford is now on sale on Amazon Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Click on this link to get an immediate discount!
Where to Buy
This Iris bearded Edith Wolford is now on sale on Amazon Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Click on this link to get an immediate discount!
Here are some of the great features of Iris bearded Edith Wolford - 1 plant
BulbsDirect ,
Iris bearded Edith Wolford - 1 plant
The effect is graceful with this Edith Wolford iris. It is a stunning tall variety with large
ruffled blooms, they bear one of the most strikingly beautiful blossoms with pale yellow in the
middle and with violet-blue falls and pale blue ruffles on its side.
- Fragrant Cutflowers from June until September
- Hardy (0F)
- Prefers Chalky Soil
- Full grown size: 30 - 40 ''
- Non edible, part(s) of plant are toxic
- 1 Iris bearded Edith (Bare Root)
- Prefers Chalky Soil
- Suitable for climatezone 4 thru climatezone 9
- Delivery from 15-02 until 31-05 (within 14 days)
- Fragrant Cutflowers from June until September
- Delivery size: Bare Root, Full grown size: 30 - 40 ''
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